Friday, June 1, 2007

My Man is Headed Home!

Great News! SgtDub should be home sometime next week!!! He was supposed to return to Fort Carson, Colorado where he would spend a few days before departing to Fort Bragg, North Carolina for a two (2) week school. He learned last night that he had been cut from the school, and would be coming home instead (yipee!). Anyone who deals with the military knows that plans change from moment and moment, and most times for the worse, but not this time! I had been making preliminary plans to take off work the last week of June and first week of July, but that will all need to be revamped (yipee again). I was also supposed to be going to Richmond, VA for a 3 day conference (June 11-13), but decided not to go (whew, good thing). We will hopefully get to pick SgtDub up at the airport and wisk him away for at least two weeks of family time. MissDub is scheduled to depart for Church camp the week of June 18th, so I guess that will give us some much needed quality couple time (he he) together. Our plans will include a steak dinner at Cattlemen's Steakhouse with friends and family and anyone else who wants to come. We will be having the "1st Annual SgtDub Firework Extravaganza" at our home on July 4th -- talk about celebration!! If you're in the OKC area and would like to join us, come on down! Our family truly appreciates all of your prayers and support during Dub's deployment. The support has been tremendous and I feel blessed to have made so many friends through our blog sites. Who would have ever imagined that total strangers would be brought together like this.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i just cannot make the words come that can tell you how happy i am for you honey. i have sat here and cried for the last half hour! thank god...

smiles, bee

JustMeShann said...

This has just made my Friday! I am so happy for your family! Oh happy day! God Bless

Sandee said...

Happy Dances are going on all over the place. Such wonderful news. Yippee and more Happy Dances. Big hug to you and Miss Dub. :)

Lee Ann aka Dixie said...

I am so happy for your family. God Bless each and everyone of you.

Callie Ann said...

I am so incredibly happy for you and your daughter. Your family is in the thought's of so many of us our here. Safe Passage to SGT. DUB

Sarge Charlie said...

I know this is nothing new for you since he is a two timer, but enjoy the moment, I am truly happy he is coming home and hope he never has to do it again.......

A special thanks for what you and your family have done for America.

Amazing Gracie said...

Oh what everybody else has already said so well!! I am just so happy for all of you!
What a glorious day!

Wade Huntsinger said...

What a blessed day indeed. thanks to your family for your sacrafice. Who knows, because we are truckdrivers, you never know when we will get to OK. It would be a pleasure one day to meet a hero and his family. Our prayers is for Dub's journey.....

The Gamin said...

Congrats to you and yours. It should be a sweet homecoming. God Bless.

Desert Songbird said...

I pray for no more setbacks and that he his home safe and sound SOON!

Ron Simpson said...

I am glad he is coming home. I am happy for you all. I was not married when I deployed, so I have no idea what it is like to be away from family like he has. You all have my utmost respect for it.

MrsDub said...

ANSWERED PRAYERS -- DUB IS BACK ON US SOIL!!!!! He is currently in Illinois refueling and then headed to Fort Carson. He will post as soon as he can.