Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A Better Day

Sorry to have been so gloomy with my last post. I'm in a much better mood and trying to get past my "OCD" issues. We are drowning in rain and it's really putting a crimp on our outdoor plans. We purchased 2000 feet of pipe to build our new fence. Only problem is our front yard is under water and the pipe is just sitting there. MissDub's goat "Bella" is about to have a baby soon. She checked out a book from the library and is learning how to be a "goat midwife". This should be interesting. We had planned to have a big 4th of July cookout, but that's been put on hold because of the rain. We've also decided to go to San Antonio instead of Durango for our family vacation next month. Fellow Blogger (Ron) let us know about a promotion that gives free Sea World admission to military families. Yippee, that will be awesome! I'm planning to turn in my application at Tractor Supply and see if I can earn some extra income. I hate the idea of working an 8 hour day and then putting in another 2 to 3 hours, but we're determined to get out of debt and this will hopefully help us out. SgtDub will also work a part-time job once he's back to work. He makes really good money as an off-duty police officer. I'm not guaranteeing how long I'll last, or even if they'll hire me, but I'm at least going to try. It was a toss up between Kohl's or Tractor Supply, and I think I'll spend less at Tractor Supply -- that is if I can keep Dub from coming in and getting the employee discount. Not much else to report around here. I told Dub that he needs to update his blog, but he's frustrated with the dial-up connection at home and says he can't get logged on. Hopefully he'll post soon. Hope everyone is doing well. Be safe and have a great day!


MrsFierceShoes said...

I understand about not working at Kohl's. I could never work retail because I'd never have a paycheck. I'd spend it all at work...

MrsFierceShoes said...

p.s. Please post pix of the baby goats when they arrive...!!!

Sandee said...

You do sound much better today. I'm glad you are feeling better. Two jobs for the both of you? Yikes that makes for some very tired folks at the end of the day, but I do understand about getting out of debt. Hopefully the rain will stop shortly and you can get to that fence. Have a great day. :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

thanks for updating us. it was good to hear from you honey...

smiles, bee

SQT said...

Man, I'd want to be home too. Hope you have more time to do just that soon.

Desert Songbird said...

I've worked at Kohl's, so I ABSOLUTELY concur that you'll probably spend less money at the tractor store. Then again, only if you can keep hubby away from there! We've done the multiple job thing before, and it's not fun, but I know how necessary it can be at times. Another downside to having someone you love deployed.

So sorry about the rain; I wish you could send some of that here. We haven't seen rain in months.

Chin up! Hope the baby goat is born safely.

Wade Huntsinger said...

Working two jobs is not so bad when you have a purpose in mind. I worked an extra 20 or more hours a week when Christie got married, but when it was over...did'nt owe a thing. We so enjoyed our lunch about and no wonder you guys brag so much about Miss Dub. She is a great person and fun to talk to. TC said it was so easy to talk to her. Can't wait until we meet you as well. God Bless

Amazing Gracie said...

Hello! Wow, never think about all the adjustments you guys have to make. All I could think of was Sgt.Dub getting home safely and that was it...I don't stop to think about the bills and the fact that life rolls along while he's over there risking his butt! You had a heck of a lot on your shoulders, too. Bless your heart!
I'm sorry you can't be home with them all. That's got to really stink big time. But hopefully things will be back to normal soon. If there is such a thing as "normal!"