Wednesday, June 20, 2007

"Date Night"

SgtDub and I had our first official "date night" since he returned home, and it was wonderful! We had gone clothes shopping the night before, and I picked out several casual outfits for him. These were items he would not normally choose for himself (faded jeans, loose fitting shirts and thongs (flip flops). So when I got home from work, he was all decked out in his new clothes and he looked great! We went to eat dinner at Outback Steakhouse. I had yummy lobster and he had steak (again). We indulged in dessert "Thunder from Downunder", and it was yummy too! We finished our evening with a movie "Ocean's 13", which was great! Oooo - George Clooney is so hunky, and it didn't hurt that the other guys in the movie are hunky too. So, I not only got to sit next to a hunky man, there were hunky men in the movie! It ended up being a late night for me, since I'm normally in bed by 9pm, but it was well worth it. I'm so happy that he's home and we can have our special time together. Miss Dub is having a great time at camp and only called twice yesterday.


Desert Songbird said...

Marvelous! My hubby is here, always has been, and we haven't had a date night in a loooooooooong time. I'm envious!

I'm glad you enjoyed "Ocean's 13." That will probably be our date night, if I can schedule the babysitter before she goes back to college.

Sandee said...

I knew you would figure out what to do with Miss Bee gone. What a great date too. I'm so glad you are back together again. Have a great day. :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i am sure glad you explained the thongs. i thought i was going to go blind thinking about dub in a thong! ha ha

smiles, bee

MrsDub said...

He thought the same thing when I said "thong". I had to explain that it wasn't the same thing.

Sarge Charlie said...

what, the sarge wears thongs, I bet his but is cute.......

Sarge Charlie said...

knock, knock, any one in there...

Anndi said...

Nice that life goes on... Lovely that you have date night.