Sunday, January 7, 2007

Another Weekend Down

MissDub and I have had a busy weekend. We had "girl's night" on Friday with dinner and a movie (The Pursuit of Happiness), which was an awesome movie. We spent Saturday doing chores around the house (which I would have preferred to delegate to SgtDub), but they had to be done and I'm happy to say we did it! GIRL POWER! I'm still working on taking down the Christmas decorations. I'm almost as excited (not) as I was when we put up the Christmas tree. It was flashback to when SgtDub was gone in 2003. We have a big tree, but weren't able to maneuver it, so we opted to use the small one instead. We used patriotic decorations with red, white and blue lights. It looked really neat. MissDub did all the decorating this year -- I just showed her the boxes and said "knock yourself out", and she did a great job! We listened to Christmas CDs and one song that played was by Randy Travis "Where My Heart Lives". One line says "don't start celebrating without me", which believe me, is hard to do. Sorry this isn't a more exciting blog, but it's been a long weekend, and I've got a really big day at work tomorrow. MissDub and I are attending a formal ball tomorrow night, and as usual, it just won't be the same without SgtDub. I hate that he's missing out on so many things, and I wish we could rewind and get the time back that we've lost. Do you suppose we can get a "do over"? I hope everyone has a great week and I will try to have a better post on Tuesday.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh i just love formals. we only get them on cruise ships but that is some of my favorite time. we get photos taken and walk around, sigh.... can't wait to go again. don't work too hard honey! bee

Dean aka Sgt Dub said...

Yes, I wish we had "do-overs" too, however we will have "make-ups" when I get home. If you could paint the front fence too, it'll save me some time.

MrsDub said...

Sorry Dub, but there are some things better left to a man! I'm grinning just thinking about "make-ups" he he!

Sarge Charlie said...

Its a great post Mrs Dub, I like your choice of Music.........