Saturday, January 13, 2007

Ice Storm - Day 2

Is it warm anywhere else? It's freezing here and I'm ready for summer. We are now 24 hours into our "Arctic blast" and the second wave should be arriving soon. The worse is yet to come and should arrive on Sunday. Oh goodie! We made it through the day without losing electricity. The satellite dish was of little use because the wind was blowing. We've never had satellite before, so we're not real sure if that's normal or not, but our "Dish" stinks! What good does it do to have it, if it goes out every time the wind blows? It's really useful during tornado season (laugh inserted here). It's easier to stand on the porch and watch for the tornado to drop out of the sky, than to get the signal. Our horses are staying warm and dry inside the barn (if that's what you want to call it - it's more like a lean-to). We tried to put the blanket on MissDub's mare (since she's old), but it wouldn't stay hooked. She got it caught on the fence last year and ripped the trim off of it. I tried doing what SgtDub would do if he was here, so I just "duct" taped it. Is that "duck" or "duct" tape? Always thought it was "duck" tape, but couldn't ever make the connection. Anyway, it didn't work (I must not used enough), so we had to take it off. During the last ice storm, both horses stood in the rain and were covered in ice. Horses aren't real smart - I guess that's why they're outside in the barn and I'm in the house. I really need to clean house while I'm home, but can't get motivated to do it. My attitude is "why bother" - it's not like anyone will be dropping by, and it doesn't appear to bother anyone but me. MissDub is in the midst of cleaning her bedroom. She, like her Daddy is a pack rat and it drives me insane! She and I go round and round over my definition of "clean". I reached my limit the other night when I went looking for a pair of socks in her room. I started opening dresser drawers, only to find clothes stuffed inside. I started pulling everything out and making piles in the floor. I even found some of my clothes crammed inside a drawer!!!! She has been banned from doing anything until the room is clean and organized. My mother just laughs and says this is "payback" for the all grief I caused her. I actually caught myself saying words that were straight from my mother's mouth . . . "do you think I'm an idiot?" Well, yes I did, but now I don't.


Dean aka Sgt Dub said...

Don't worry honey, when I get home, I'll teach you how to sew.

Lee Ann aka Dixie said...

Ummmmm Mrs Dub... I have the exact same problem with my daughter. While she was away at her dad's over the Christmas holiday I did a "spring clean" job on her room. You should see it now.... and her dresser drawers and closet... OH MY!!!! Never again will I clean her room.. that is her responsibility now... I know she's only 11, but she MUST start sometime. Hopefully, it's not to late...

My son is the same way, but I figure I'll let the military get it out of him... he'll know what I've been trying to teach him soon enough...

Oh and in Tennessee we pronounce it "duct tape".. LOL

Stay warm this weekend and please don't send any of that junk my way...

Travis Cody said...

Well, we're working through our own snow and ice problems - I emphathize with you!

I'm stuck in my apartment today because the ice is so thick and slick that I can't get my vehicle out. But luckily I've got football today to keep me busy.

Oh, I have cable - as long as I have electricity I get to watch TV!

Be safe and sane and patient. Ride it out!

MrsDub said...

dixiechick, the military won't help them keep it clean -- they just issue footlockers to hide it in! SgtDub's got an entire garage full of military goodies. At least with the camo, I don't notice it as much. I had cleaned MissDub's room several months ago and had everything nice, neat and organized. She apparently didn't feel the need to maintain it. We're playing the waiting game now -- I'm determined to win this one!!!

Wade Huntsinger said...

Well I would simply add that as bad as dealing with teenagers are, TC(my wife of 24 years) and I miss our kids. They are both grown and gone now. Wait a minute, I don't miss that kind of stuff at all. What was I think? Good luck with all that. Perhaps when SGT DUB gets home and the storms come, you can dispatch him to the roof to steady the dish so you can watch hey?

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i am so sorry you are having a bad time, and you are right, it is duct tape. and it comes in many colors too! smile, bee

The Sil said...

Yes, I caught myself many times sounding just like my mom. It happens. Now Karisa will be saying the same things to her little one. :-)