Friday, January 26, 2007

Friday Night in the Big Town

WooHoo . . . it's Friday night and I'm home alone! I'm wondering how my life would be different if SgtDub was home right now. Would we be going out to eat dinner, seeing a movie, going to the mall, or just laying around? How wonderful it would be to have my family together! I never imagined I could miss him so much and long to touch his skin and smell his stinky feet. MissDub is having a sleep over with her best buddy, so here I sit feeling sorry for myself. I have friends who think I'm so lucky to have my "alone time". They live such busy lives and would give anything to have a night to themselves. Here I sit wishing I could walk around the corner and find SgtDub and MissDub sitting there watching TV. When we first married, we lived in a 900 square foot home. We could see each other from every room in the house. It was so small that you could watch TV and go to the bathroom at the same time. We moved up from there to a 1200 square foot home and thought we'd moved into a castle. We could still hear each other from one end to the other, but we had 2 bathrooms. We now live in a 2200 square foot home and although it's bigger than anything we've ever had, it's really small right now. I think back to how our life was before SgtDub was deployed and how we went about our day-to-day routines. We each spent time in our "own" rooms, and passed in the hallway. I took my family for granted. I assumed we would always be together under one roof. If I had known what was to come, I would have held them closer, said I love you more and spent more time together. I would have stopped long enough to sit and listen to what they had to say, instead of worrying about the dirt on the floor. Everything in life happens for a reason, and I've had the opportunity (twice) to realize just how very important my family is to me. After SgtDub returned from his last deployment, I swore things would be different, and they were -- for a while anyway. Time slips through your fingers like sand, and it's impossible to recapture what you've lost. I'm learning to enjoy the small things in life and not sweating the big stuff. It all works out, and even if it doesn't, as long as I've got my family, I have everything I ever need. With love, MrsDub


Wade Huntsinger said...

Great post. It really made me think about a lot of things. I remember times when I was gone and how I just longed to be home again. I know SGT DUB if feeling that even stronger as the time gets closer. What you wrote about is one of the main reasons TC and I are going back on the road. It is a way for us to be together every day and enjoy seeing this great country. God bless you and I hope the time from now until summer flies like a great eagle.

Sarge Charlie said...

I share Wade's feelings, having been there for many years I learned a lot about loneliness, hang in there, Mr Dub will be home soon and you will rejoice in your life. We used the old Buck Owens song "Together Again". You are an American Hero.

Dean aka Sgt Dub said...

Yes, I believe we would have gone out to dinner at the minimum, then maybe a movie. You know things we could say we did 'without' Miss Dub there, just to tease her. Since our first deployment together, I believe we have become closer and say those things to each other that couples should say. "Where'd you put the car keys?"

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i think the separation does make the marriage much stronger, if it doesn't break it up. it's one or the other sadly. yours, like mine, is stronger, in face amazingly strong. you'll see as the years fly by just what i mean. thanks honey, you are one GREAT military wife.... bee

Miss Dub said...

But--I like hiding away in my rooms all by myself! ;}

~Miz Dub