Monday, July 2, 2007

Bathroom Remodel - Day 3

As you may have seen over at SgtDub's site, we began work on MissDub's bedroom/bathroom remodeling project. MissDub had been a "Cowgirl" and her room was decorated with all things "Cowgirl" and horses. This decor worked for quite sometime . . . that is until MissDub decided she liked "Asian" decor and was ready for a change. Well, that's quite a jump from cowgirl to feng shui. MissDub has a CD that allows her to render 3-D drawings and floorplans. She has already designed her dream home and will probably build it some day. She has drawn up the design for her Asian-inspired bedroom and boy is it fancy. I doubt seriously that SgtDub and I will even come close to her expectations, but we'll give it the old college try. We decided to go shopping without her and come up with some choices. We're big HGTV people and one of my favorite shows is "Designers Challenge" where 3 designers come in and give their ideas on a project, and the homeowner must pick one. That's kinda what I wanted to do, but I decided against it, because knowing MissDub, she'd pick the most expensive and most difficult project. Like Mother, Like Daughter! I'm not in to the "Asian" decor, but I'm trying to be flexible and go with it (more Zen like). The reality is, we don't want to alter our home in a way that will detract from future buyers. We're planning to stay put, but you just never know. I can't see anyone else coming in and saying "oh my, this bedroom is exactly what I was looking for". So with that in mind, we will update the bathroom, paint the walls, add new lighting, window treatments and furniture (within reason). After our shopping excursion, we estimated that the remodel (excluding furniture) would cost approximately $3000! Here is where I fainted and when Dub revived me, I said "heck no!" She won't keep it clean now, what makes you think she'll keep it clean after! We began the demolition on Saturday -- it was raining and we couldn't do anything else, so why not knock a wall out. We removed the vinyl flooring, fixtures and are attempting to remove the shower enclosure, which is proving a bit tricky. No work was performed on Sunday (i.e. Dub was on the couch and MissDub was on the computer), and I'm not sure if anythings been done today or not (I'm leaning towards nothing). I will be home shortly and will access the progress and if necessary, create a "to do list" and make sure I call home frequently tomorrow to ensure work is being done. I feel certain that they're both playing X-Box and as soon as I drive into the garage, they will rush to look busy. More tomorrow. By the way, I will be taking wagers on how many days it will take to complete the project. SgtDub has the reputation of being the "95% man", which means he WILL leave one part of the project undone . . . what will it be?


Wade Huntsinger said...

the part you see

Sarge Charlie said...

best wishes for a great holiday for you, mr dub, and miss dub.......

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

have a happy fourth and try not to work too hard. and miss dub will appreciate it lots more if she does some of the work, she might even keep it up! i had four girls, i UNDERSTAND!!! ha ha

say hi to dub!

smiles, bee

Amazing Gracie said...

The fun thing about home improvements is that when you're all through, it's time to start all over again!
Have a terrific 4th and hope your rain stops!

Wade Huntsinger said...

Happy 4th of July, Yaw have a great day.....

Unknown said...

mrs. dub,
just wanted to tell you i added your blog and your husband's blog to my link list. i read them every day at work now. i'll try to comment when i do. =)
found your blogs b/c of my grandparents, sarge and bee. i love reading your posts... it's encouraging and informative to see what i might face soon =)