Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Babies Are Here!

Edward and Bella (pigmy goats) are proud to announce the birth of their two new babies! MissDub went out to feed at 6am today and discovered Bella had just delivered two baby goats. Mother and babies appear to be doing just fine. Imagine that, she delivered them without our help. MissDub had been reading up on how to be a goat midwife, and didn't even get the chance to assist in the delivery. One baby is white with a little bit of black, and the other one is black with white markings. We can't tell if the sex yet, but they sure are cute. They were trying to figure out the nursing thing. The white one must have been the first born, because it was moving around better. We'll keep you posted and put some pictures up soon. MissDub went to Six Flags with her church group, so she's not home to play with them.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh i want to play with them!!!

smiles, bee

Sarge Charlie said...

so your family is growing, enjoy your new additions.....

Amazing Gracie said...

We always wanted a pair of pygmy goats! Babies of any thing are cute (well, axe snakes and scorpions perhaps!) and especially goats! A friend had a pair and we fell in love. Have fun!

Debbie said...

Sounds like your girl is a smart one!