Thursday, February 22, 2007

Why I don't play well with others

Today was the day that I finally broke down and went to the Oklahoma Military Department (OMD) to get my military ID renewed (it expires on 2/27, so I've waited as long as possible). I've gotten one before, so I just "assumed" it would be the same procedure, and I would be in and out in no time. Wrong! Why would I ever assume that anything involving the military would go smoothly? Did I mention that I don't cooperate with the whole "military" thing? From the first day SgtDub joined the guard, I was less than excited and didn't care to "participate" in anything they had to offer. I refused to go to the Commissary, I refused to attend the annual picnic, and I won't even think about having to use the medical facility. I don't like the thought of having to show my ID, stand in line, wait for my number to be called and then referred to as "the dependent". Excuse me, but I am NOT dependent. Well, today went like this. I'm nervous enough when I get to the gate - actually I'm dizzy from winding through the barricades. I show the guy my ID and he gives me the once over and lets me pass. I get to the building and go to the counter and wait for the guy to acknowledge that I'm standing there. He tells me go on back and I take off. I'm feeling like an outsider because I'm not in uniform and everyone is looking at me. I proceed to the room where I'm supposed to go, only to find no one in there. The lights are on, but no one was home. There also was no clipboard for me to sign in on (red flag somethings wrong). I pace around a few minutes before I decide to sit down in the break room across the hall and grab a magazine. I'm fanning myself with my almost expired military ID, hoping someone will notice me. I wait, wait a little longer and then a little longer and finally a lady walks by and says "Ma am are you here to get a temporary ID?" I said "No, I'm just here to renew it". Apparently, when I was issued my last ID the guy issued it for 11 months based on the fact that SgtDub deployed in February 2006 -- irregardless to the fact that he wasn't anticipated to return until June. I tried to argue back then, but the guy just issued the card and sent me on my merry little way. Luckily, since I don't do the commissary thing or the Tri-Care thing, I don't have to use my ID on a regular basis. I only need it to get on base. We went to the Commissary once and my ID had expired a few days earlier. I tried getting past the old lady at the door, but from 4 feet away, she spotted it and confiscated it! Talk about embarrassing! Okay, back to my story ... the conversation went like this: lady: "do you have your sponsor with you?", MrsDub: "no, he's in Afghanistan", lady: "do you have power of attorney?" MrsDub: "no", lady: "do you have proper documentation?", MrsDub: "no, I just want to renew the card", lady: "I'm sorry Maam, but without your sponsor, power of attorney, form 1040WD405ASAP (in triplicate, signed by the President) (okay I'm exaggerating now), I can't give you an ID", MrsDub: no words, just foot tapping, getting red in the face and thinking to myself "I have connections". I get up to leave and slam the door on my way out. Once in the parking lot, I whip out and realize I'm going the wrong way, so I turn around and go the other way (another rule I don't like to follow). I get dizzy again leaving - why do they have the curvy thing on the way out? I'm now back at work and calmed down. I've placed a call to my "friend" and will find out what I have to do to take care of this. In the meantime, my ID expires next week. According to the military, SgtDub should be home by then, so Dub, if you're reading this, I'll be at the airport on Tuesday to pick you up - because we all know the military is NEVER wrong!


katherine. said...


On a side note...I admire the way you and your husband allow us all look into your lives.

Dean aka Sgt Dub said...

yes, I love checking in on the family, it's great to see how they are doing.