Tuesday, February 6, 2007

National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans Week, February 11-17, 2007

When was the last time you thanked a Veteran for their service? Here's your chance, the 29th Annual Naional Salute to Hospitalized Veterans Week will be held February 11-17, 2007 at all VA Medical Centers Across the Nation. Visit http://www1.va.gov/volunteer/nshv.cfm to learn more.

The purpose of the National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans Program is to:
pay tribute and express appreciation to hospitalized veterans;
increase community awareness of the role of the VA medical center;
encourage citizens to visit hospitalized veterans and to become involved as volunteers

The week of February 14 each year is your opportunity to say thank you to a special group of men and women, more than 98,000 veterans of the U.S. armed services who are cared for every day in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers, outpatient clinics, domiciliaries, and nursing homes. There is a link at the bottom of the website to help you find a VA Medical Center in your area.

God Bless America and God Bless Veterans . . . without them, we wouldn't be here today!


Travis Cody said...

Thank you for posting this - I wasn't aware of it.

Anonymous said...

Great post. We visited those who were injured in Iraq, Afghanastan, etc at the medical recovery hospital in Texas over Christmas. Those men and women were so cheered by the gifts and cards. Thanks for posting this!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

well actually today but thanks for posting this! we were at the va medical center this morning...

smiles, bee

Amazing Gracie said...

Thanks for a great post. And thanks to you and all the terrific wives and families that are without their husbands, wives, sons and daughters because they believe in honor and duty!
We pray for our servicemen and women and hold them in our hearts and that extends to you, too!

Sarge Charlie said...

We cannot ever repay the debt to our injured veterans, never ever.

Dayngr said...

Amen! Another great way to show thanks is to tell them everyday via email, cards or letters. Stop by and check out eMail Our Military and let me know what you think.