Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Every Day Should Be Valentine's!

Imagine a world where every day was Valentine's Day! A world where everyone wore their best clothes, gave chocolate, cards and flowers and said "I love you". I'm thinking back to my first memories of Valentine's Day. I remember using red construction paper and heart doilies to make a card for my parents. I remember getting a box of heart shaped chocolates from my Dad. In school, we would have a party in the classroom and everyone would get a white paper sack covered in hearts. We would then go around giving each other cards. I also remember the disappointment in middle school when the student council would sell carnations for .25 cents. They would come around to each classroom to deliver the flowers. It seemed like all the popular people got tons of flowers while others got nothing (a glimpse of life ahead). I remember a Valentine's Day that I received an 8 foot heart made of lattice, filled with balloons. I remember a Valentine's Day when my brother-in-law and sister-in-law got married, and I remember many Valentine's that I didn't get anything. But, the best Valentine that I've ever had arrived on September 6, 2007. This is the day SgtDub managed to sneak home and surprise me with a 2 week pass. How in the world did he manage to pull it off without anyone knowing what he was up to? To this day, I am amazed that he was able to keep it from me. Many of you already know this story, but for those of you who don't, I will recap. My birthday was August 31st and SgtDub had told me "my gift was on its way and would be arriving soon". I just assumed it was going to arrive in the mail. Lesson learned - never assume. Needless to say, my birthday came and went and there was nothing in the mail. I rushed home each day, hoping to find a box on the porch. Labor Day came and went, and there was still no present. I was officially bummed out. I returned to work following the holiday weekend, and had gone out to lunch with my best friend Joyce. We were on our way back to the office, when Joyce got a call saying that we really needed to hurry up. I never suspected what happened next. The lady at the front desk said "you're package has arrived from Afghanistan", and I again assumed it was a box. To my surprise and amazement (with everyone in my office watching), I rounded the corner to find SgtDub sitting at the security desk, in his cute BDUs and grinning from ear-to-ear. I stopped dead in my tracks and just looked at him. I think I uttered "what are you doing here?" and then ran to jump into his arms. Wow, one minute I'm having lunch and complaining because he didn't send me anything for my birthday, and then the next minute I'm holding him in my arms. I will always remember that day! I've been blessed with a wonderful husband and a beautiful daughter, and therefore every day is special to me! Happy Valentine's Day to everyone - whether you're spending it alone or with someone special - know that You're Loved and You're Special x0x0x0x0 Love, Hugs & Kisses


Travis Cody said...

Wonderful memories. Thanks for sharing. Happy Valentine's Day.

Emmie said...

Such beautiful memories. Happy Valentine's Day to you...everyday.
Peep into my blog on friendship greeting cards for some beautiful e-greeting cards and friendly tips.

Dean aka Sgt Dub said...

Happy Valentines Day to you baby. I wish we were together today too, I'm sure we would celebrate with McDonalds and watching television at home.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

happy valentine's day mrs. dub!

smiles, bee

Sarge Charlie said...

I was in the VA hospital today and I saw the cost of freedom, I am pleased to have the health care they provide.