Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Miss Dub's letter to "Dear US Soldier"
Something really amazing happened this week. SgtDub was given an opportunity to read a letter that was written by his own daughter (MissDub) and sent to an unidentified "US Soldier". Miss Dub was given an assignment in her keyboarding class to write a letter to a U.S. Soldier. She had absolutely no idea where the letter would be sent, or who would receive it. MissDub does reference in her letter that her dad is with the 45th infantry in Afghanistan, but does not give his name or rank. The box of letters was received at Camp Phoenix by a Major Ellis. Major Ellis apparently recognized that there was a soldier with the same last name, and he brought the letter to SgtDub. Below is the letter written by MissDub. We are extremely proud of our daugther for writing such a wonderful and heartfelt letter. You may want to get a Kleenex before you go on . . .
Dear U.S. Soldier,
My name is “MissDub” and I would like to thank for all that you have done for our country. I know what your family is going through with you half way around the world, only able to talk to them every few days, sometimes longer. My dad is with the 45 infantry and the 180th infantry from Oregon. This is his second tour to Afghanistan. I really appreciate everything you are doing to help keep this great nation free.
I hope you and your comrades are kept safe. Our prayers are with you and the rest of the troops. I deeply cherish the sacrifice you make on a daily basis to be away from your family, friends, home, and country. I know it’s hard, but you seem to always keep strong and never give up. This country may have some people who don‘t appreciate what you are doing, but know that everything you do is for a good cause. To keep America the land of the free and the home of the brave.
When you troops come home, you help make it the home of the brave. I don’t go to bed at night without praying for you and the others serving with you. I can’t wait til you and your comrades can come home to your families! It will be such a joyous reunion.
So, with that said, I thank you again for everything you have done in order to keep this great nation free. You of all people know that freedom is never free. I hope God keeps you safe throughout the rest of your deployment.
God bless you, your comrades, families, and everyone else serving to endure and protect freedom.
Forever in debt to you and our brave soldiers,
(6th hour keyboarding)
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Hello MrsDub. I have been reading the Sgt's blog for sometime now and finally got over here to read yours. You have a great man doing great things but, I know you are already aware of this. MissDub sounds like a wonderful person, also. I know you are very proud.
It is funny how fate brought MissDub's letter to the Sgt. It gives the letter a whole new perspective when it was written for another soldier and then winds up going to her father. What an emotional letter for him to receive in this way.
Prayers and blessings to your entire family.
I am so very blessed and proud to have SgtDub & MissDub in my life. It is truly amazing the outcome of the letter. Of all the people and places it could have ended up, it went to the one man who needed to see it. MissDub doesn't show her emotions very easily, so I'm glad she was able to express her gratitude not only to her daddy, but to all the soldiers. I hope her letter will be shared with many other soldiers.
Miss Dub, you wrote a very powerful letter. Your mother was right about the Kleenex too. I am sure it brought a tear to Sgt. Dub's eye too. Excellent job.
What a wonderful family you are, and thank you for your contribution here in the states while your husband/father is serving our country. I am sure it is of great sacrifice to you as well. God Bless...
wonderful young lady there Mrs Dub, you did yourself proud with the job you did in her upbringing. The letter made me cry this morning and again tonight, great young lady.
Gee Whiz! I think there was some Divine Intervention here!!! That is absolutely amazing because what are the odds! Staggering, at best.
I am thrilled that Sgt Dub received the letter, which was written so well, I'm sure Miss Dub received an "A+."
Does the teacher know that Sgt Dub got it?
And you have to know by now how very fond I've grown of all of you and how much our soldiers and their families mean to me and my husband!!! We love you all...
you have every right to be proud of her!
Thank you everyone for the kind words. We feel a closeness to each and every one of you. Yes, MissDub did tell her teacher about the letter, and she was very pleased. Thanks for supporting SgtDub and our family!
Mrs. Dub,
You and Sgt. Dub have been truly blessed with a wonderful daughter. She is her parents daughter. She has truly learned from example and a very powerful example at that.
I've always believed in raising my daughter to be thankful and appreciative of my Nation's Armed Forces. We wear our poppies proudly , and whenever we see a member of our military we walk over to them to shake their hand, and thank them. I have a very special place in my heart for them.
Your daughter is a fine young lady and I know how proud you must be.
I stumbled across SgtDub's blog and followed the link to you. MissDub is truly a spectacular young lady and we are proud of her with you.
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